Shenandoah Valley 360 offers high-quality real estate photography services that show off your listing! Our white-glove approach offers you ease of mind and a worry-free experience. We are able to capture the house’s exterior and interior while it is occupied or vacant, with the real estate agent present or not. It’s your choice. We use our proprietary Firefly(SM) workflow that gives much more accurate color than older HDR-style photos.

Real estate photos can make or break your listing. They don’t have to be expensive, but they *do* need to show off your listing. We get the right angles and composition to put your listing in the best position for a showing!

Every real estate listing interior photoshoot, includes a 2D floor plan!

Here’s what we need to get started:

  • The GIS map ID (preferable) or street address

  • A brief description of the house. (e.g. two-story cape-cod)

  • Any special features you’d like highlighted

  • Access information /availability

  • Outbuildings you’d like photographed

  • Occupancy status

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Shenandoah Valley 360 has you covered!

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2D house floor plan included
firefly interior real estate kitchen photo

A sample of our new “Firefly” photo product

Fake Twilight / Sunsets / Night-time Settings

We are able to, but no, we won’t do fake skies / sky replacements/ sunset skies or artificial night time scenes and there’s a reason, actually several.

First, they look fake. It doesn’t really matter how “real” you think they look, they still look fake. The human eye knows there’s something “off” about the picture. Usually it’s the shadows or lack of them. On sky replacements, they’re usually done to take care of cloudy skies. The problem is when the sky is replaced, now you have a mostly clear, sunny sky – but no shadows on the ground. It’s unnatural and your viewer’s eyes know it, even if they don’t consciously realize it.

Secondly, sky replacements, especially night-time or sunsets produce a product that will never be experienced by the person renting or buying the property. We’ve even seen some that produce an atmospherically impossible “northern sunset”. The prospective buyer or renter is being sold an experience they’ll never have and we can’t ethically take part in it.

Third, there’s a legal risk created by doing more than color correction on real estate photos. If the renter/buyer is sufficiently misled, they may have legal recourse. Fake twilight photos often add interior and exterior house lighting, that doesn’t actually exist.

For these reasons, unless it’s for personal use or residential/commercial art, we ask that you use another service for photos needing these features.

Here’s a sample of why it can be bad to use a fake sky on a real estate photo

fake sky on real estate photo

This is a photo that was taken during the day. The fake sky and lighting were added to make it look like it was evening.
The red arrow indicates the location of the sun in the fake sky. The yellow arrows show shadow from the “real” sun.
Also, to anyone who knows this location, the sun never rises or sets in the location shown.

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